Monday, July 6, 2009

iPhone Provisioning File Drama: Part III -- The Solution!

Apple's response didn't really help me out. Because at that point in time, my new provisioning profile was not displaying as an option under the Code Signing section of my project settings.

I was still frustrated and had the random thought of... I wonder if something is wrong with this project specifically. So, I opened up the MoveMe demo application and tried to see if I could get that app to run on my new iPhone.

I open up the project settings and open the dropdown for code signing and... low and behold! There are now two provisioning files that are code signed that I can choose from! I select the one for my new iPhone, and shizam! I've got MoveMe running on my phone.

That felt like a pretty big win right there, so with this new confidence, I reopened my yipe application and went back to the project settings. I now have two profiles here as well! Choosing the right one and building the app... and finally, after countless hours and a couple of days, I've got my application running on my iPhone.

All I can think of is that there was some caching issue with xcode. Once I opened up a project that I had never installed on any iPhone, it knew to look and see what provisioning profiles I had installed via Organizer and refreshed itself.

Hope this helps someone else out there.

Update: Apple DTS responded with info on what they suggest for caching issues:
Caching issues are generally resolved by

* Cleaning the project (Build > Clean all Targets)
* Closing and reopening the project
* Choosing Xcode > Empty Caches...
* Quitting and restarting Xcode

(in that order).

iPhone Provisioning File Drama: Part II

Response back from Apple:

Hello Kevin,

I don't know how you added the new provisioning profile to Xcode, but I'd guess you did it by dragging the profile to somewhere in the Organizer window, and if so, you likely dragged it to the device profile window rather than the Xcode profile window. Doing so would install the profile on the device, but not on your Mac.

The best way to install the profile is to double-click it, which will copy the file to the right location, and then you can drag it to your device in Organizer.

After that, you'll have to reselect this profile in your Project and Target Build Info pane and do clean your project (Build > Clean all Targets) and then build.

iPhone Provisioning File Drama: Part I

My email to Apple technical support:

Wow, what a nightmare trying to get your xcode project to run on an iphone. I'd been doing okay until I purchased a new iPhone. With the new iphone I can no longer get my project to run on the device.

Here's what I've done.

I created a new provisioning profile for the new iPhone via
Saved the profile to disk.
I opened up Organizer from within xcode.
Plugged in my new iPhone.
Added the provisioning file.
So far so good.
Now I open up my existing xcode project, and try to build/run.
I get the error message:
"Can't run "iYipe" on the iPhone "Kevin Kinell's iPhone" The iPhone "Kevin Kinell's iPhone" doesn't have the provisioning profile with which the application was signed. Please add the provisioning profile via the Organizer, or check the "Code signing Identity" build setting.

Ok. Then search google for 2 hours.

From there, I tried:

Tried close/open xcode, restarting, connecting/disconnecting iphone etc. No luck on this.

Deleting the file in:
/users/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/

I tried that because of the situation of two iphones and read somewhere this causes conflict. Deleting this file caused more problems and now my application wasn't code signed and I couldn't get it back... so I restored the file I deleted.

Generating a new provisioning file. Same problems.

Editing the project settings and changing the code signing identity, restarting xcode, setting it back. Still same error.

Tried editing and then removing the info.plist file. This caused other errors, mainly that I had no info.plist file. Restored it back to original state.

So, let's try the old iPhone. Guess what? That works like a charm. But, that doesn't really help me get the application installed on the new iPhone.

And before I go any crazier, figured I would write in to you.

Other random pieces of info:
Trying to run on: Device - 3.0 | Debug
iPhone is new 3GS, 32gb
Apple developer ID: [removed]
Apple developer email: [removed]
Organizer shows the correct provisioning profile.

Let me know if you have any other questions.



Friday, May 22, 2009

Life in this world seems to be busy...

I'm wondering if my life in the eBay world is so busy that it leads me to not being able to take a minute to post more entries on this little blog. Hmm. While the busy factor is certainly true, I'll have to put the blame more on myself for really just not being a blogging type of person.

What made me come here today though, was to point out to you that we actually have company blogs that are in the works.

You can find Auctiva's blog at:

And Auctiva Commerce at:

Back to work...

Friday, March 6, 2009


Is it really 2009? Have I now been working for Auctiva for 9 years? It's true!

In my eBay world, 2009 has already been pretty intense. Pretty major changes happened over at eBay that affected us over the past few months (I guess more in 2008 than 2009, but the affects ripple into 09). Affiliate program changes, lots of new policy changes and new features that all required work on And meanwhile, we were getting ready to finally offer a multi-channel solution to our users, with our off-eBay storefronts, Auctiva Commerce.

Add in a malware attack, continued efforts to grow the company in the small town of Chico, major database overhauls and trying to find time to still play pool, it's been hectic as always.